What are the 5 easy way to earn money online?

I have some easy ways to earn money online who are willing to earn 1lakh or more in one month.

What is passive income and active income?

To earn money online first we should deside in which way you should receive your income.

There are two types of income method Passive and Active income.

Passive Income-These income are those who will pay you for daily, weekly or monthly basis for doing there work.example Affiliated marketing.

Active IncomeIn These  income you will be only paid when you do work but a higher income source can be generated from these active income sources.example YouTube. 

•5 ways for earning money online!


Blogging is wonderful platform for active income the users who love writing contents and sharing something through articles they can earn through blogging.


Youtube is another platform for active income people who have good vidio editing skills and have good contents to present can earn a good amount of money if they have 1k subcribers and 4000hr watch time in a year.


Affiliated marketing is an amazing way to earn money for daily basis.(passive income) In Affiliated marketing you should promote products or any other stuffs of a company and if the product get sold you will get a commition from the profit so its a best source of earning money online.

4.working for amazon

By joining  in amazon mechanical Turk (Amazon MTurk) you can earn active income by doing there jobs if u finish there job Amazon pays you the money and doing many works there u can earn good amount of money and its very easy to become a participant in amazon Mturk you can also apply for Amazon Mturk from the given link below.
Amazon mturk


Are you good at something do u have skills then its a best platform for you. Do you want to know how?

Freelanceing is something that you sell your skills or products for money and its a good source of active income. Big multinational company(MNC) appy there wants and the freelancers do there work and get paid if u have any sort of skill u can join here and can earn a huge income in USD and you can also make this as profession and no need of searching jobs you can sit home and earn money. 

Some freelancing sites are: Freelancer Fivver and many more.



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