Twitter is best platform for trending contents and topics, it also have many valuable information. As like twitter there are many other websites which has trending contents, information, articles etc...

5 Best websites where you can find trending contents in online:

1.Buzz Feed: 

It is an amazing website in which it has a wealth of trending topic and entertainment contents. This website is not a news regarding site its a site which shows all the popular topics in every field so it allows user to search for present topics on entertainment, sports,culture and many more

You can click the Link  below to check it out:

2.Google Trends:

This platform can help you in finding popular and trending topics with a wide range of categories. A positive thing about google trend is it shows contents  based on your search so you can get your topics very easily and a plenty of organic traffic comes through it.

You can click the link below to check it out:

3.YouTube trends-YouTube trends is worlds second biggest search engine after google the users can search any topics here, a main speciality of YouTube trends is that u can get latest updates through vidios and it has many subcategories like music, movies, gaming etc.... So it enable the user to get topics on their search.

You can click the link below to  check it out

4.BuzzSumo- it is an amazing platform where the users can find trending and hot topics with key influencers. 

 An advantage of this site is when we Enter a key word, domains or URLs this site will sort your topics from many websites and social Media and display to you,  from one website you get information from multiple sites.

A disadvantage or a drawback of this site, its not free the users have to pay to access this site, the pricing ranges from 99$ and a premium version of 499$

Click the link below to check out

Quora- everyone will be familiar with quora  which is an amazing website where you can find latest and trending topics, if you have any question or doubts you can post here so that others will give you the answer for you questions and Evan you can grow your online marketing through quora, Evan you can search for stories,keywords phrases of popular contents from world wide.

You can click the link below to check it out

There are more sites but I have mentioned the best 5 sites were you can find hot topics and tending contents online.


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